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Опубликованно: 15.04.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introductory text    5
  stock company “LAUMA”    6
  stock company “Lauma LinGERIE”    7
  Brand philosophy    7
  Lauma    7
  Laumelle    8
  Lauma Aqua and Laumelle Aqua    9
  Basic collections    9
  History    9
  „LAUMA FABRICS” Ltd    12
  Conclusions    14
Фрагмент работы

Stock company „Lauma” is the largest textile industry and treatment enterprise in the Baltic state. Stock company „Lauma” like other companies suffer the economic crisis. Stock company „Lauma” export its production because company affect economical crisis in the all world. Latvia is worried if textile industries in Latvia exist like industry in a future. The most alarm is in Liepaja because part of inhabitant is related with this industry. In Latvia many national economy industries already are lost because alarm is so big. No one don’t know if government help.
The target of this report is found out the main facts for stock company „Lauma”.
The Main tasks of this work are:
• explore stock company „Lauma” development history;
• find out, what is stock company „Lauma Lingerie” and „Lauma Fabrics” Ltd;
• find out stock company „Lauma” situations of this moment and future vision.
All information search in the internet.

Stock company „Lauma” was founded in 1971.
Stock company „Lauma” acquired company of the Estonia - Alta Capital in 2005. Not long afterwards on the base of the existent enterprise was founded juridical free linen sewing company Lauma Lingerie, which joined the public joint-stock company Silvano Fashion Group. Beside in the same year was founded “Lauma Fabrics” Ltd, which is stock company „Lauma” branch enterprise.
“Lauma Fabrics” Ltd acquired laces industrial company in France – Desseilles in 2006.
Enterprise Desseilles International was founded in 2007, which co-ordinates “Lauma Fabrics” Ltd, stock company „Lauma” and the Desseilles France action.
“Lauma Fabrics” Ltd is one from the most important textiles enterprises in Latvia, which takes 27 hectares. 12 hectares from them takes production building.…

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